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Consultation Launched at Davenport Green

24th July 2024

Margarida Caldeira appointed as ULI Portugal Chair

11th July 2024

Going Green Masterplan shortlisted for Climate Resilience Award

14th March 2023

New student living building submitted for planning

23rd February 2023

Mitakshi Sirsi appointed as new Director of Sustainability

26th January 2023

Urban park scheme wins major design award

4th January 2023

Broadway Malyan delivers innovative second office for Ageas

14th December 2022

Broadway Malyan expands with DC3 and WILL+Partners merger

2nd November 2022

Broadway Malyan delivering landmark resort for Anantara

17th October 2022

Lisbon headquarters completed where employees can work anywhere

12th September 2022

Landmark business campus tops out in Bengaluru

6th June 2022

Ambitious manifesto launched to create a greener Birmingham

19th April 2022

Work set to start on green office project in Porto

17th February 2022

Broadway Malyan completes landmark campus building in China

29th January 2022