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Bengaluru, India

A landmark business campus that rethinks the traditional office environment with a focus on community, connectivity and the environment

The 12-storey scheme has some of the largest single floorplates in India accommodating more than 7,000 employees with a variety of self-sustainable but connected communities on every floorplate, each designed to enhance interaction between employees and different teams.

The campus design embraces a fluid and dynamic design language that breaks down the typical solidity of a building while its dynamic asymmetry ensures the best possible working conditions for all in terms of natural light, comfort and access to amenities.

At 180m wide and more than 100m deep, the significant mass of the building is broken down at the corners to create a series of breaks and focal points for the building while a flowing façade wrap unifies and softens the elevation.

The corners of the building are chamfered to provide an iconic sculpted form while also enhancing the visual connectivity for its users with the surrounding site and the city beyond.

At the heart of the building is a huge town hall space on the ground floor which works like an urban square in a city – bringing people together and providing an exciting and memorable centrepiece from which everything else flows.

Each floorplate becomes a series of streets and neighbourhoods with multiple communities on each floor, connecting to each other both horizontally and vertically, supported by a series of visually connected pocket gardens on each floor.

The vertically connected sky gardens on the upper levels provide a series of green oases while the mass of the building is further disrupted by garden slits that create double height breakout spaces for users.

More than 8,000sqft of landscape across the scheme has been designed to create a green tree paradise, countering the ‘heat island effect’ and making the campus more resilient to climate change.

The high-performance electrochromic glass that automatically tints through the day reduces glare while providing essential natural daylight in all areas of the building as well as creating more usable internal space as employees can work closer to the windows.

At more than 20,000sqm, the smart glass installation, which sits within a facade of aluminium fins and dark bronze louvres, is the largest of its kind in the world.

The façade design is also key to regulating internal floorplate temperatures that not only supports the comfort of its users but is part of a wider strategy to create a highly sustainable building where energy consumption is minimised.

The building is powered using renewable energy and a combination of highly efficient water-cooled centrifugal chillers and air-cooled screw chillers with ozone friendly and low GWP refrigerants regulating both the temperature and the quality of air inside the building.

A wide range of systems will preserve precious water within one of the world’s hottest regions including onsite sewage and water treatment plants, rainfall harvesting plants and deep recharge wells to counter surface run off to the water table beneath.

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