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Kallang Kolam Ayer Masterplan

A first of its kind living-meets-industrial district

As the rise in flexible work arrangements continues to evolve, cities around the world are exploring different live and work models to meet these changing aspirations. In Singapore a recent survey found that more than half the population now want to work closer to home and so we have been working with the local authority to reimagine one of the city’s key industrial areas with a view to creating a new mixed-use community model underpinned by sustainability, wellbeing and innovation.

Our Kallang Kolam masterplan, which is part of a wider review of future work nodes across the city, envisions a new kind of waterside neighbourhood with new types of live/work and co-work building typologies, vibrant public and leisure amenities and all integrated around green interventions and recreational corridors to promote health and wellbeing.

The project sits across two districts either side of the river: Kallang and Kolam Ayer. The sites are positioned between the culture, heritage and arts district and existing residential community and industrial estates with around 1.3km of river frontage.

The location of the site on the edge of the CBD and its proximity to existing residential districts has naturally drawn a diverse range of industries and provides an opportunity to create something different from the more traditional cluster-focused approach to industry, which we have called the Singapore Makers Land.

The vision for the masterplan is to seamlessly connect business spaces and redefine the ideas of an industrial park into a solution-based urban centre that is flexible for business.

The aim is to bring people together across all age groups and professional positions and skills, creating a vibrant work and living community where the introduction of an experiential layer across the whole site blurs the boundary between industry and consumer, resident and visitor.

Central to the plan is a network of community open space with diverse characters, all intended to promote opportunities for innovations and collaboration. These key spaces hold together the different communities, connect people through nature and support biodiversity through ecologically beneficial landscape design.

The urban design framework is carefully planned to connect the site to the surrounding four MRT stations with walkable, enjoyable journeys between the public transport nodes. The road network proposed in the materplan is a result of careful analysis and integrates with the surrounding infrastructure to accommodate important site access issues.

The masterplan structure is also carefully planned to keep the existing trees, routes and spaces as well as refusing some of the existing factories to retain the distinctive qualities of the local identity.

This all responds to the overarching principle of moving the district to a more circular economy, capitalising on synergies with existing industry and service clusters and locating buildings and spaces that promote interaction and sharing.

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