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Broadway Malyan complete office transformation projects
15th November 2021

Broadway Malyan has completed a pair of interior design and fit-out projects in Poland as part of an international workplace transformation programme for a major financial services client.

The two projects in Warsaw and the northern city of Olsztyn have been driven by changing working practices and a response to the evolving expectations of the modern workforce with a greater focus on co-working, desk sharing and flexible working hours.

Working within the company’s unassigned desk policy, the focus of the design was to create a vibrant and stimulating office environment that encouraged collaboration while embracing news ways of working, which included adhering to a ratio of 100 desks for every 140 people.

Antoni Konarski, associate director at Broadway Malyan and project lead, said: “Even the most traditional sectors are shifting to a much more open approach to their workplaces.

"These projects being guided by issues such as happiness, creativity and wellness while ensuring that the design continued to represent our client’s core brand and values.”

Even the most traditional sectors are shifting to a much more open approach to their workplaces.

Antoni Konarski, associate director, Broadway Malyan

Even the most traditional sectors are shifting to a much more open approach to their workplaces.

Antoni Konarski, associate director, Broadway Malyan

The brief for both schemes was to create a variety of work settings such as four people huddle rooms, enclosed touchdown areas, meeting rooms and focus pods which were distributed proportionally across the office while retaining as much open space as possible.

A major part of the in-house philosophy is that all desks are unassigned with a complete clean desk policy so this has been facilitated by the use of individual lockers which have been positioned to provide separation between the circulation corridors and desks and create informal meeting spaces throughout the office floors.

To maximise comfort for users each office has introduced a circadian lighting system that follows the human circadian rhythm while natural and sustainable materials were used throughout the scheme, supported by a major focus on biophilic design which included the introduction of green walls and the installation of several thousand plants across both projects.