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The Pillow Economy - A UK and Polish Perspective on Student Accommodation
14th March 2018

This year will mark a decade since the introduction of tuition fees in higher education in the UK, a move that has been completely transformational for the sector.

In one swift move, studying for a degree became an overt business transaction with a tacit understanding that students had now become customers.

It has had a profound effect on the psyche of both the student and the university in terms of the expectations of former and the aspirations of the latter.

Competition between universities is no longer solely about academic credentials but many more factors, notably the quality of life for the students who will be investing tens of thousands of pounds for this next stage in their educational journey.

It has been a decade of huge growth in the Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) sector with the UK just second to the US in terms of investment with more than £20bn committed over the past three years.

However, while the market has matured into a key asset class in the UK, it remains in its infancy in other markets, most notably in Poland despite the fact that it has one of the world’s highest population/student ratios.

In The Pillow Economy – A UK and Polish Perspective, we look at the latest design trends in the UK market while exploring the potential opportunity for investors and universities alike in the Polish market.

Download report here: The Pillow Economy - A UK and Polish Perspective

Broadway Malyan's publication on student accommodation looks at changes and trends in the UK market in the last ten years and opportunities for universities in the Polish market.