3rd 七月 2017


这本多达102页的 Luanda介绍册: 详细介绍了这个设计周期长达两年,同时也是宝麦蓝城市规划团队承接过的最大的城市重塑项目;毫无疑问,该项目到达了以往和正在进行的非洲总体规划项目的顶峰。

书刊的出版计划是在新伦敦建筑事务所的一个活动上发起的,该活动的特邀嘉宾包括:安哥拉贸易特使Lindsay Northover男爵夫人和英国驻安哥拉大使John Dennis。



总体规划设计师 Phil Bonds表示,该项目旨在利用城市的增长,及其日益增长的人口的利益而吸引投资者的注意并为安哥拉和非洲其他国家的可持续发展奠定基准。


“对宝麦蓝来说,不论是在范围和规模方面,都是一个非常令人兴奋的项目,无疑有助于提升实践在战略性城市规划阶段的地位。因此,我们正在坦桑尼亚的Dar es Salaam开展一个新项目,为其优化新交通网络周边的土地。”

为交付PDGML项目,宝麦蓝与一系列合作伙伴进行了合作,包括当地合作伙伴Urbinveste,基础设施专家Aurecon,运输咨询机构Mobility in Chain,德勤会计师事务所和环境/社会顾问UNL。宝麦蓝董事及总体规划师Monika Bik表示,该项目从与客户,项目合作伙伴或罗安达人民的角度来看,都是合作的典范。


“我们发现了一个难以置信却又令人兴奋不已的城市,拥有富饶的遗产,充满活力和抱负的民众,以及决心为其公民创造美好未来的政府 – 希望这本书能够捕捉到过去几年来我们在这个项目上所做的一些奇妙的旅程。”

“我们发现了一个难以置信却又令人兴奋不已的城市,拥有富饶的遗产,充满活力和抱负的民众,以及决心为其公民创造美好未来的政府 – 希望这本书能够捕捉到过去几年来我们在这个项目上所做的一些奇妙的旅程。”
Monika Bik, Broadway Malyan

Broadway Malyan worked with a range of partners to deliver the PDGML including local partner Urbinveste, infrastructure experts Aurecon, transport consultancy Mobility in Chain, Strategists Deloitte and environmental/ social advisors UNL. Fellow director and masterplanner Monika Bik said the project was an exemplar in collaboration, be that with the client, its project partners or the people of Luanda.

She said: “Successful masterplanners immerse themselves in the city so that they can truly understand how it works, its issues and the people that live there. For this project it was important for us to go much deeper than any other previous project so that we could deliver a plan that truly responded to the needs and aspirations of Luanda’s residents.

“We discovered an incredibly exciting city with a rich and proud heritage, a dynamic and aspirational population and a government determined to create a better future for its citizens –hopefully our book has captured some of this fantastic journey we have been on delivering the project over the past years.”

Luanda: Reshaping the City

“We discovered an incredibly exciting city with a rich and proud heritage, a dynamic and aspirational population and a government determined to create a better future for its citizens –hopefully our book has captured some of this fantastic journey we have been on delivering the project over the past years.

v“We discovered an incredibly exciting city with a rich and proud heritage, a dynamic and aspirational population and a government determined to create a better future for its citizens –hopefully our book has captured some of this fantastic journey we have been on delivering the project over the past years.”